Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind. ~Seneca

Monday, November 22, 2010

1. Sunday Scribbles

So I am in Poland, over 24 hours now. As for the flight, I am going to be diplomatic and only say that there have been better ones.

Today I spent half of the day at the church meeting – my family happened to be on duty in the kitchen, so I was handed an apron as well and participated in the activities. It worked out well; otherwise, on account of the time change, I might be falling asleep during the talks :)

A few pictures to illustrate this time:

A very green Impala spotted at O’Hare.

Our plane – the big Boeings all have the Polish coat of arms and are named
after big cities in Poland; ours was called “Poznań”.

A geographical puzzler: how come the screen on the plane said that it takes just over 6 hrs to get from Chicago to Warsaw, if the ticket said 9 hrs 25 mins? I don’t think even The Concord could actually accomplish that. (The first number says how long we’ve been flying, and the second how much is still left.)

Landing in Krakow – long, skinny fields, characteristic of the Polish agricultural system.

Landing in Krakow continued – the lakes are a water treatment plant.

Our kitchen team, counting from the right: my friend Beata, my oldest sister Ruta,
my younger nephew Kamil, and moi.

My older nephew Mikołaj in charge of the sweets.

A folksy design on one of the plates.

Back at home – Filip the cat. Purrfection.

Filip confronts one of the chickens.

Not exactly winter weather – a violet just came out.

1 comment:

  1. Znaczy, że przyleciałaś rakietą, skoro samoloty nie bywaja az takie szybkie. Kuchciki miały bardzo profesjonalne fartuszki- firmowe jakieś:-) Filip ma strasznie poczciwą mordkę, ale jak się spotkał z kurą to nawet trochę do niej podobny- dziwnie podobnie dropiaty:-) Wiosna niestety już się kończy tej jesieni, pewnie jak będziesz wracać to śnieg się zadomowi...
